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As most people typically experience sleep apnea symptoms that worsen
over years (or even decades) before its brought to there attention, by
either their sleeping partner or doctor,  l think its absolutely
something toaddress as early as possible. If your carrying too much
weight , your snoring, and most importantly you don't seem to feel
refreshed or recovered after a decent night in bed (7 - 8 hours sleep
time) - then have the discussion with your doctor - lack of good quality
sleep has a severe detrimental effect on EVERY aspect of your health and

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Being more active (such as walking more) is nearly always good for you
but do you get any extra benefits by timing your walks (as in after a main meal ) - especially if its one high in simple carbs?

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Some people argue that raisons, sultanas and currents are super healthy  because they are essentially just different fruits but most of us should either avoid or limit their intake for long term health

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Lots of factors are at play that drives people to gain weight - but chronic "stress" may be particularly devious as it can cause people to crave energy dense/sweet foods and then prevents the brain from registering satiety signals leading to overeating - even more sinister is the finding that it may cause people that have lost weight to regain that weight in the future

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Dementia such as Alzheimers disease is absolutely one of the main lifestyle diseases we all wish to  protect ourselves from - and it all starts developing decades before symptoms generall start to appear - here's a simple brain/cognitive test that is easy to take  for you and your aging loved ones

Inflammation seems to be the dominant driver of virtually all lifestyle diseases - this internationally awarded Australian company uses real life animation to provide a real understanding of the bio-chemistry inside all of us - if you have 5 mins to spare, this animation explains inflammation's role in diabetes

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Sometimes it can be some general advise that helps people find success in being able to lose and keep the weight off - we all have to run our own race that suits our specific lifestyle and level of committment

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While under some conditions, heavy drinkers may be better at “holding their liquor,” this is only true up to a certain level of alcohol intake - you can become more tolerant to alcohol's effects at lower levels but at a certain threshold it all comes tumbling down

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Your doctor uses a simple calculation called BMI (Body Mass Index) to estimate whether a person is overweight or obese but this study shows that obesity may be double the level that is commonly reported - and that is a really scary prospect

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For those people that are are diabetic and require daily insulin injections this study should provide hope of an easier life using a plant based insulin-like compound that can be taken in pill form

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Infectious diseases like Herpes and Shingles don't just cause their specific well known symptoms and pain but they also can significantly increase cognitive problems like Alzheimes disease - getting vacinated can significantly decrease these risks

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Regular consumption of nuts can provide profound health benefits for all ages- this particular study looks at memory and cognitive health aspects of a couple of handfuls of nuts - but the real key is to consistently and regularly eat the little suckers

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Are non-stick cookweargood or bad for our health - and what options do we have

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